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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today's incident....

it suppose to be a very happy ending day for me, but things seldom goes well in my life (i mean for this 21 years)..... First, my parents are going for a vacation today to for 10 days and i was left behind. (Arrr...... coz i'm having my short semester). However, i wish them have a happy holidays and sweet memory during their vacation (dun deliver me another brother/sister ya). Dats fine. i admit it becoz education is much more important than vacation.

Next, when i was going to a briefing (stupid briefing dat i should not attend coz i had sacrifice my zzzz..... time counting sheeps to 100) for the elective subjects that we are 'forced' to take in the next semester. The damn hot burning weather was killing me. My head seem like burning as well as my body too (eat curry mee oso not that 'cham'). During the briefing, actually i had made decision to take Economic as my elective, but the lecturer looks like trying to force us to take Product Management. Ok! seems the passing rate is higher and i'm interested in it also (Blueks... Talk shit rite?)... So, i decide to take it. Briefing end....

When i walked back to my lovely, warm little house. Oh my goD, the sky suddenly turn dark.... (juz like in the movie "THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW") Until the half way, my dearest brother (because of same surname) called me and asked me to pay him RM50... Oh shit, i only left RM70 (still have to pay because i owe him)......After paid, only left RM20 in my small tiny wallet. Anyone can 'ah long' me some money??? Perhaps my little brother can.... Hehehe.....

This is what happens today. What's coming up next??? I also dunno. Juz hope things go well.


Racy ♥ said...

hey there (: are you using mozilla firefox to view my blog? cos i've tried on mozilla firefox before. im using internet explorer to view my blog. and it works perfectly fine. as in, the words are in black .

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

yeah.... i'm using mozilla firefox.... but i prefer mozilla rather than IE... hehehehe... coz i have bad experience using IE.. anyway, thanx for ya comment oh...