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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Try Not tO tuRn ouT aS shOwn!!!!!!

Imagine! Ask you imagine laR..... Everyday, we stick to the computer and electronic devices doing some chatting, playing online game, LAN game (Dota), web browsing and other activities. Of coz, our fingers are busy as well as we put them on the keyboard and mouse all the time. This can be meant our fingers and the keyboards and mouse have a close relationships.... Rite??? But can u imagine u will turn out like what shown in the video?

Probably your answer will be NO NO NO!!!!! but dun say NO to this too early.... Hehehe..... Coz, if u really turn out like this... Tanjung Rambutan is waiting for YOU!!!!! Hahaha......

So enjoy the stupid video!!!! (taken from youtube and i believe most of u know bout this video clip) If you never watch this video clip before, plz notify me... ( the video is somehow a bit irritating)


Anonymous said...

lol,i watch this video with u sumore..haha..the kid reli fucked up..i cant imagine being like him go sleep la,tmr u got work u kno,sumore have to study for PM..

Accyee said...

wow he is so angry oh. what language is he speaking?
sometimes i get angry with the compt too, esp if it lags like orang gila, but not this retarded. haha.

WoW said...

i think there is nothing with his computer, i think he maybe saw his naked picture being posted online..hehe

Zheng WuLeow said...

Hey :D I bet he needa replace a new keyboard each time he goes gaming haha

There's actually a part 2 to this video you know :)

Zheng WuLeow said...

Hey :D I bet he needa replace a new keyboard each time he goes gaming haha

There's actually a part 2 to this video you know :)

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

abby: he is a German... He speaks German language.... Hehehe.... even u r not that retarded, but u r behaving part of his characteristics... Lolz.... Do u know him???? Mb both of u can bcome friends in the future..

wow: its really ntg wif his comp... Hahaha... NolaR... Mb he saw a "pacman" virus was "eating" up his comp's display... But what i can say, his actions is over... Really is a freak gamer..

a suspicious man: for sure he need a new keyboard after this. I also have the feeling that he's blacklisted in cybercafe.....

franx said...

It's nice video ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

this fella speak German you also know.. you gila


actually i'm also like that if i play NBA LIVE~

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

secret of mind: Hehehe... actually i found this video quite long ago. The 1st time i watched, i found its funny. But later, i found it was annoying...

merdurian: i suggest u should watch some Germany's movie. Hehehe.... Coz he really speaks German

bb community: Then u can bcome friend with him edi. Lolz.... wanna be his buddy? If yes, i will try to connect you to him.